I love books. I love plants. Why not put them together?
We got an old cut out book I decided to turn into a planter (instead of indulging my 7 year old inner boy and making it a secret hiding spot). This simple DIY takes just a little time and some loving care for your new plant friend. Mine is named Azu (pronounced a-zoo, like the book title A to Zoo).
Here’s what you need:*Succulents or cacti work best as you don’t need to water them often
**I cut up an old ziploc bag
Open to approximately 3/4 into the book, measure and mark a rectangle large enough for your plant to fit in, leaving at least a 2 inch margin to the edges of the book.
Cut the rectangle out with your exacto knife. Repeat, flipping the pages backward until you reach the front cover. Glue down every cm or so of pages as you go.
From the first page (leaving the cover open) line the rectangle with plastic. Cut off extra material and seal with masking tape. Close the book cover.
Remove your plant from its original planter and gently shake off excess soil. Carefully plant your new friend into the book, making sure not to disturb the roots. Cover with additional soil as necessary.
Place your new book planter in a bright sunny space and water only when necessary (see plant instructions).
Sing to your plant, smile and enjoy.
Yay! That looks awesome Tanya – and I love your new plant’s name…..another pet for you and Ryan. 🙂
Cute DIY! I love that you named your plant! Maybe that’s why mine never seem to survive. :p
It’s worked for us! We name most of our plants. There’s Marvin the Venus Fly Trap (amazingly still alive) and Jorge the Avocado tree (who is growing like mad).
Then again our Hen and Chick named Big Poppa died so this method of plant survival isn’t fool proof 😉
that’s a grand idea!
Oh, that’s just precious.
What????? Why you cut a book?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Horrible!!!!!!!!!
lol that is the one drawback!
I feel like this is a unique idea with old books that don’ t have a value , go for it !
LOVE THIS! Perfect gift for my book club buddies.