(oh and pssst, there’s a rad giveaway at the end of this post so don’t forget to scroll all the way down!)
I love DIY’s that allow me to be absent minded, or that keep my hands busy while indulging in some tv shows. These coasters fit that bill exactly. 90% of them, including all those embroidered little sprinkles, were completed with Good Wife (finally finished) playing.
Ready to make your own to celebrate donut day? (or just because donuts are awesome in any form, edible or not). The materials below include the same embroidery thread I used (100 of ’em in ALL the colours!) but I found a better cork coaster for you. Let’s get making!
- Embroidery Floss in various sprinkle appropriate colours
- Round Cork Coasters
- Pink felt sheets (or any colour you’d like for the icing)
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun
- A blunt needle with a wide eye
1 Cut out a circle in the felt the same as your coaster. Next, cut out rounded edges to mimic icing. Lastly, fold in half and cut a semi circle in the centre.
2 Next is the sprinkles which takes the most amount of time. I like to have 3 or 5 sprinkles of each colour. You’ll need approximately 2 inches per sprinkle. I tend to use one long piece of thread and cut as I go, but you can choose to cut each ‘sprinkle thread’ in advance. With a threaded needle, sew one stitch approximately 1cm long. Leave the ends at the back even.
3 Tie the ends in a triple knot (double knots will come undone). Repeat steps two and three with all your embroidery thread in a random order, making sure the tied ends are always on the same side. All this tying takes a fair bit of time. If you’re pressed for time, you can use one long piece of embroidery thread and connect them all. The photo above shows the back with both individually tied off in pink and green and one continuous thread in blue. The only downside to this is you have to be crafty to make sure none of your threads cross the open middle hole.
4 Heat your glue gun and apply a generous amount of glue all around the back of your felt. Before it cools down, place it down on top of your coaster and press firmly all the way around the help adhere the felt and cork.
Repeat steps 1 – 4 for each coaster.
My mom came over a few days ago while I photographed these. She saw them from afar and thought they were cookies! It’s amazing how realistic felt and embroidery thread can look.
You can keep these for yourself (although you may constantly crave donuts) or give them as a gift. Personally, I think I’m going to keep mine….or sell them in my Etsy shop. I can’t decide!
Happy crafting! And I gotta ask…
And now, it’s giveaway time! My friend Amy at Delineate Your Dwelling is celebrating her third year of blogging! Naturally I had to join in on the party and am so excited to giveaway one garnet print along with 7 other awesome prizes.
BrePurposed – Bre Etsy printable pack
Chris + Mary – Chris and Mary – 2 pieces from their bright Willful Goods collection
Delineate Your Dwelling – Amy – Gold leaf stripe bowl
Good In Store – MJ – chic t-shirt with a message
Mrs Emily – Emily – modern HELLO cap
Place of My Taste – Aniko – Green Prints collection
Shrimp Salad Circus – Lindsay – 8″x10″ watercolor painting and lettering prints
Squirrelly Minds – Tan – 8×10 watercolour garnet painting
This giveaway will be running for a week starting today and the EIGHT winners will be contacted by Amy via email. See the amazing items below and enter on the rafflecopter.
>>> Remember, the more entries you enter, the better your chances of winning! <<<
(click on the Rafflecopoter giveaway link below, if it does not automatically show up for you.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck!
Ok, first can we talk about these coasters!!!! Pinned the heck out of those cuties. Also thanks for celebrating with me today! xo
I totally love them, except I want a donut every time I see one!
These are sooo soo cute!! What a clever idea! They are so good I want to eat them up!
Thanks Haley! They definitely look edible. Dangerous!
Too. Cute. For words. Seriously, this project is so genius and adorable! As for favorite donut, a local donut makes incredible vegan donuts with blackberry basil lime glaze…heaven.
WHAT!? That sounds so insanely good!
Aaaaand…now I want to eat a donut. Or seven. 🙂
I know I’m mean! Hah
You’re KILLING IT with these coasters, friends! I love the crap right out of them. Brilliant! (Coming from a girl who is officially nearly-over the donut thing. Eep!)
Thanks girl! I hear ya. I’m pretty over the whole donut thing but I just couldn’t resist.
These are so beautiful! Very creative. Love your posts! Pinned and been stuck here for a while now looking at so many posts! Nice job!
You just made my day Mary! Thank you <