So I realized the other day that I never shared how I made my plush kitties and clouds nursery mobile from squirrelly babe’s nursery. That nursery reveal was over a year ago! Oops. It’s one of my favourite things in his room, and while balancing it all on the metal ring was tricky, the rest of the assembly was actually a lot of fun.
We lovingly call this guy “dreaming of kitties”, and squirrelly babe absolutely adores it. He often wants to play with it, but that involves tugging on those felt balls which messes with the whole balance of the structure. So he is taught how to nicely stroke the kitties, just like with a real kitty. Hey! A mobile and a teaching tool. BONUS!
I never shared this project because I didn’t create the DIY from scratch. Instead I sourced materials and used another mobile DIY as a jumping point. But I thought hey, maybe people want to know where I got the materials and how I put it all together. So here I am to share my secrets friends. This won’t be your typical DIY post with beginning to end steps, but there will be links to show you where I got the materials, how I made those clouds, and how I put it all together.
- Fishing Line
- 1 10 or 12″ Gold Metal Macrame Ring
- Plush Kitties – *see note below
- Approx. 20 Wool Felt balls in desired colours
- Craft Needles – long and regular
- 2 Sheets White Felt
- Cotton Batting
- White Embroidery Thread
- Scissors
- #10 screw eye hook and a ribbed plastic anchor to hang your finished mobile
*I saw an adorable large kitty pillow from CutenSoft on etsy where I got squirrelly babe’s cloud pillow. I knew I wanted miniature versions of the kitties for a mobile, so I messaged the owner to ask if that was possible and she said yes! If you want your own, try messaging her and ask for two 5″(W) X 3.5″(H) plush kitties. I got grey, but there’s also white if you prefer.
There’s multiple parts to this mobile, so I’ll break it down by each section.
White Clouds – 3
I followed this tutorial on Apartment therapy to make the clouds. They suggest using cotton balls or cotton batting, and they used white yarn to sew the edges of the clouds, but I used white embroidery thread.
Wool Felt Balls – 5 strands of 3-5 balls
Measure your fishing line to three feet long. You will cut these down at different lengths as you see fit, but make sure to leave enough room at the top to tie onto the metal hoop. Tie a knot at one end of your fishing line and pull the other end through the eye of a regular sized needle. Poke one side of a wool felt ball with the needle and pull the thread all the way through the top. Decide where you want the next wool felt ball to go on your fishing line and tie a double knot. Grab another wool felt ball and thread the fishing line through, pulling it all the way until the ball sits at the bottom of the knot. Continue until you have as many felt balls as you’d like on each strand.
Notes: Before you start, decide how these will hang on your mobile. For a layered effect, you want each strand to be different lengths and the felt balls at different heights. You also want to make sure you don’t have too many of the same colours side by side. I accidentally have two strands side by side ending with a coral felt ball. It drives me nuts every time I look at it.
Plush Kitties – 2
Cut two pieces of fishing line at 3 feet, or whatever length you want if you decided beforehand. Tie a knot at one end of your fishing line and pull the other end through the eye of a long needle. Push the needle through the bottom of your kitty up through the top of its head and pull the entire string through so that the knot sits at the bottom. Cut the string to your desired length, making sure to keep enough slack at the top to tie onto the metal hoop. Repeat for each cat.
I followed the instructions on the apartment therapy tutorial for assembly. However I left the gold hoop bare rather than wrapping it (because it’s oh so pretty!). I also needed help from the mister to hold the fishing line while I tied it and each strand onto the hoop. Getting the right balance is tricky so you will need an extra set of hands. Make sure you distribute the weight evenly around the hoop between the cats, clouds and felt balls. If you have one side heavier than the other the hoop will not stay level.
That might have sounded tricker than it actually is, so if you have any questions by all means leave a comment!
Happy dreams in kitty land!
This is ADORABLE!!!!!!! I’m just crazy for anything CATS right now. Thanks for sharing.
I’m with you! Cray cray for cats right here