After I get adjusted at the chiro I lay on a massage table for 10 minutes, staring at a TV screen that scrolls through nature images, facts/tips about health, and cheesy motivational sayings. There was one motivational quote that wasn’t so cheesy however.
This one really struck a chord with me. When things are tough and you don’t know why you’re working so hard and not seeing the results you want or expected, it can be very tempting to give up. Remembering why you started can be enough to light that fire and get you excited again. Whether it’s getting in shape, starting a new business venture, or pinching pennies for that trip, this art poster is a good reminder to keep at it. Plus it’s much prettier than what I saw at my chiropractor’s office.
So go ahead – download and print the file above and hang it on your wall to keep you excited and get you to your end goal!
Hi! I really love that poster! I would like to know if it’s possible to get it in a diffrent size to print it 20” x 28”. Thank u so much!
Thanks Kim! It’s only available as a free printable in 8×10. I’m happy to create a new one at a cost. Feel free to e-mail me if you’re interested!
I’m interested! What would be the price to create a new one? Thanks!