Do you remember doing this as a kid? Loading up your paint brush with your favourite colour paint, raising your arm high and furiously striking it down, flinging the paint onto that crisp white piece of paper. Well what if that crisp white piece of paper were a crisp white egg instead?
These paint splattered easter eggs are a ton of fun and a great flashback to mucky art days as a kid. And the bonus – they look great?
But just a warning – make sure you’re outside or in a well covered up area in clothes you don’t mind getting a little dirty. Paint will be a flyin’.
- White eggs, blown out and dried
- Paint – various colours
- Paint brush
- A plastic bottle cap (like from a 2L pop bottle)
1 Prep your eggs and your paint splattering area (if you’re inside, paint will get everywhere). Choose and prepare your paint colours.
2 Place your egg on an upside down bottle cap. Dip your brush into a paint colour. You want a generous amount but not so much that it’s gloopy and drooping off. Place the brush over the egg and tap the handle hard. Alternatively, you can also flick the handle, or go crazy and swish it about like you’re Harry Potter.
3 Repeat with desired colours and allow to dry for 1-2 hours.
You can experiment with colours a bit. I also painted the entire surface of an egg with copper coloured paint, then splattered it with black paint. I liked the look so much that I splattered black paint on white eggs too and they’re now my favourites.! Not very eastery, but very artistic.
Happy paint splattering!
WOW! Those are incredible, Tanya. A perfect cross between realism and abstract and amazing color combos, some real egg colors and some ‘real’ Easter egg colors. You are so creative. Thank you.
Glad you enjoy them! I’d love to do more with all sorts of fun and crazy colours. Hot pink and neon yellow!
They look so wonderful! Definitely brings back childhood memories and fun!
I totally felt like a kid again making these
These are so pretty! I love the color combo in that last photo!
Finding fun colour combos is half the fun!
tan these are gorgeous!! i love em – i think they’re totally eastery – anything “egg” says easter to me! ^__^
Definitely eggs=easter!
I have to say, Tan – every easter I feel bombarded by easter egg tutorials, but i LOVE this one. Especially with the black paint. They’re fresh but edgy. Well done 🙂
Ohh I’m not often called edgy but I like it! Thanks!
Love this DIY PAINT SPLATTERED EASTER EGGS , these are so amazing , will love this crafts.
These paint splattered easter eggs seems so perfect and adorable , perfect for decoration like stuff. My husband love these kind of adorable stuffs. Thanks for sharing tis one with us.
This DIY Holiday Paint Splattered Easter Eggs idea is amazing , super excited to try this one, thanks for sharing this one
They look so wonderful!
I Love this Paint Splattered Easter Eggs craft, amazing and unique. Thank you for sharing this.