Image by Oliver Schwarzwald Styling by Maria Grossman
So you got married. Woohoooooo!
It’s the next morning and all you want to do is relax and cuddle in your massive king sized bed with your new husband right?
Get out of bed. Go shower. Get dressed, and be prepared to spend an awkward 1-2 hours opening gifts in front of watchful eyes.
Don’t get me wrong, of course you’re thankful for everyone’s generosity. I mean really, thank you. But you aren’t a kid anymore lacking those inhibitions and anxious to open that mountain of gifts on your 10th birthday. Being an adult comes with some reservation, which makes opening gifts in front of others really uncomfortable.
Here are some ways to make your gift opening a little more bearable
Seven7h House on the LeftServe such delicious and cute food that everyone is too busy eating to pay any attention to you.
Our wedding, photography by AmerisYou’ve already gone through the mortification of a bridal shower, make your new husband take the lead and open most of the gifts himself. Yup, you’re putting him to work real early.
Image from Delicious IndustriesDon’t think you can smile anymore after all those photos the day before? Too bad. Take some advice from the smiling experts (gymnasts, dancers, past Miss Americas), rub some petroleum jelly on your teeth and you’ll have to smile to keep from getting that nasty stuff in your mouth.
Image from Anna NimmityEven though you’re exhausted and just want to take a big old nap remember this – you’re married now. Any little thing can go wrong with today and it doesn’t matter anymore. Isn’t that a nice feeling?
Did or will you have a gift opening? Why/why not?
We had a gift opening. It is one of those unsaid traditions. Everyone just kind of expected it. We had donuts & orange juice. It was light-hearted & fun.
It’s not possible to have a bad time when donuts are involved!
We got married at a hotel and stayed there after the wedding. We had a daytime wedding, and when the festivities were over we went up to our suite and the presents were all there next to a big platter of chocolate covered strawberries and champagne. We opened them up just the two of us and it was really fun!
That sounds completely perfect Stephanie
We didn’t open our gifts until after our honeymoon and moved into new apartment in SF. Yea it was a busy week!
Incredibly busy!
The last one is WOW!!!
So great idea, Fabulous!