Printables Party Pack from Botanical Paper Works | Ice Cream and Cupcake Wraps from Lemon Thistle | Raspberry Cheesecake popsicles from The Novice Chef | Canada Day Centrepieces: Love Create Celebrate
We leave Paris today and fly out to Lisbon to see my family! So so excited. But just because I’m traipsing around Europe doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about some very important dates coming up, so I’m popping in to share some Canada Day and Fourth of July inspiration.
Printable Nautical Banner from Tater Tots and Jello | Eraser Stamped Star T-shirt: Cutesy Crafts | Firework Fruit kebabs from The Baby Bump Diaries | Easy Patriotic Table Decor from Today’s Creative Life
It’ll be strange celebrating Canada Day from afar, but we’re well equipped with some red and white!
Happy celebrating!