I haven’t been very good at updating what’s going on in the Squirrelly Minds studio (sorry!) but I promise I have been quite the busy bee. For starters, I’ve been working my little butt off trying to finish up a new website design (What!? Insert shock emoji right here!). I know, I’ve had this same design (or reincarnations of it) for the entire life span of Squirrelly Minds. It’s time for a change! And I’m very excited about this one. Very excited.
But I’m even more excited about what you see above – pineapples!
My favourite local baby clothing boutique Modern Baby asked if I would create a watercolour pineapple pattern for their baby gear (their stuff is so good. Seriously Squirrelly babe is set up for his entire baby life). It’s not only incredible to watch a painting be turned into a pattern and then turned into fabric, but actually seeing babies wear my art? I’m completely blown away. There are no words to describe what an incredible feeling that is, and I am so honoured to have this opportunity.
I had so much fun developing this pattern that I’ve enrolled in a surface pattern design course. I can’t get enough! The wheels in my head are cranking at a mile a minute with all these grand schemes and ideas! (Being a creative is exhausting sometimes). I’m currently undergoing some textile research for a project I’m planning. Let’s just say that “Squirrelly Minds Paper Shop” will not only be paper anymore.
Exciting times!
I love pineapples. Your painting and fabric is beautiful!
So do I. And thank you so much!