2013 has come to an end, and as always it’s fun to look back on the year through the Squirrelly lens. Here are my favourite posts (one for each month) for the year 2013:
These glasses make any drink look fun and festive.
This post was our first video, and it’s still my favourite.
I have fond memories of coming up with this idea in the middle of the night (on a school night) and jumping out of bed to give it a try.
Sharing details about our wedding on the blog was so incredibly special. Every time I look at my rings I think about that magical day.
This craft is so special to me, not only for it’s personal meaning, but because it was so lovely to see others embrace it and show me their versions. I love seeing how people take Squirrelly Minds DIY’s and make it their own.
I can’t lie to you, I’m afraid I haven’t kept this regiment up. I swear I will once life/renovations settle down! (eer…in 5 years?).
This party was just too much fun, especially making all the ice cream.
I had a great time planning this pop up dinner in such a spectacular location. You bet I’ll be doing another in the summer.
It’s so crazy to think we bought our house a short 3+ months ago. I love watching our house turn into our home.
It was fun showing you my hip hop style, a side of me people don’t normally see.
The advent calendar series was my favourite of the year. I already have ideas for next years advent calendars.
I drool just looking at this cake.
Now onto creating posts for A Squirrelly 2014!
SUCH a good year! and may 2014 be the best!