Last week I shared this month’s theme with the fiesta movement, an awesome monthly challenge where agents make videos based on the month’s theme and bloggers share the fun. I couldn’t get enough of Megan Batoon’sdance video, and it inspired me to finally show you my other style side – hip hop.
Generally my style is pretty laid back and trendy – dresses with tights and boots, skinny jeans with gold ballet flats and a flowy pink top. You get the idea. But every once in a while my hip hop dancer side creeps out, and I can’t resist pulling up a hood up top and high tops down below.
Normally when I dance I swear XXL men’s sweats. I need that extra flexibility where skinny jeans just don’t cut it and, let’s be honest, it makes me feel more g. So my hip hop style outside of the dance studio is a little more close fitting and tailored, with just a bit of that edge.
Fun fact about my earring if you haven’t read this: the first time Ryan and I met was at the previous Vibestreet Dance studio for a mutual friend’s jewellery line photoshoot. I was modelling this earring (I can only wear one, long story) and he was the photographer. Little did he know then that he would continue to be my photographer for years to come.
Last year I was in the city’s only adult hip hop crew at Vibestreet Dance, where I have danced for the last 5-6 years. We rehearsed each week, performed throughout the year, and entered competition where we won high gold, one level under the highest recognition, diamond.
A couple of the above photos are me dancing in an empty parking lot, but that doesn’t really give you an idea of how I dance.
The mister took this video of us performing our winning piece at the year end show last June. Enjoy this glimpse into my other side! (if you can’t spot me, I’m nearly always on the right from the second song on).
In case you’re wondering, we practiced that dance so many times it is ingrained in my memory forever. And I got rid of those skin tight blue skinnies as soon as we stopped performing. Least comfortable and flattering things ever. The hoodie however, well I’m wearing it in the above photoshoot.
Hip hop style not your thing? Check out this video where Verena Mei and Tai Beauchamp wander through NYC to show you fall’s hottest style trends.
Shop the look!
This is a sponsored post and I was compensated for my participation.
The opinions expressed are my own.
Oh my gosh!! Look at you girl! Your school kids must think you are the coolest ever. I’m starting ballet this week but I’ve never danced before. So nervous!
Ahhh how fun! It’ll be such a great experience
Too cool! I think it’s awesome that you dance!
Thanks Jessica! It’s pretty much my only form of cardio so if I didn’t dance I’d just be a couch lump 😉 Plus I love it
LOVE the dance video Tan! It totally makes me miss dancing and performing! I think it’s been at least 4 or 5 years since I even took a class.
I tried hip hop once, but just couldn’t get the rhythms or the moves. While, I’ve done tap and jazz since I was little, more of my performance energy was in color guard/dance team through college. My absolute favorite was performing at NFL games, such a rush!
What is color guard? That sounds fascinating!
It’s the folks with flags that perform along with a marching band or sometimes solo – it’s kind of vastly different in implementation. Some are super military, some are more like dance teams. Which is more what I did.
Oh super cool!
Tan, you are so talented! Do your students know that you dance? So fun!
Hah you’re too sweet! My current students don’t, but past students have and I’ve taught them some choreo. They always begged me to wear my baggy sweats and gold shoes