Wait! Wait! Don’t shred your Christmas tree just yet! It has another use to make your home cozy and bright.
I don’t even want to call this a DIY because it’s so darn easy, so I’ll just call it an FYI instead.Take a saw, either handheld or electric, and saw thin slices (approx 1/2 an inch) off the trunk. Place a tea light candle on top and voila, you have yourself a woodsy candle holder to last you through the year and to remind you of Christmas.
There are other versions with a longer cut of the trunk and a hole cut out for the candle to fit into. But let’s face it, sometimes the quick and dirty version is needed, especially after the holidays.
Just a note, I do recommend keeping the candles in their metal holders so you don’t get melted wax everywhere…*ahem*
not having things in their proper place.
How long do you keep your tree up for after Christmas?
So sweet! you could hide some away for Christmas gifts next year……just saying….. 😉
Love how you called this an FYI… so funny! Our tree is laying on our driveway right now awaiting the recycling truck to stop by. It always feels so nice to declutter for the new year!