March 1st 1988, 4 year old little me sat in the play room of the hospital, waiting with my two older sisters, aged 10 and 15, as we waited for our baby brother or sister to be born.
I vividly remember the large black chalkboard in the playroom and playing with something red and wooden (maybe a firetruck?) when my dad came in to tell us we had a little brother.
He’s 24 years old now, and has grown into a really cool, diverse and well rounded guy.
But this is how I’ll always remember him:
Happy birthday little brother. This post is for you.
A collection of images to dress up any birthday party, from ages 1 to 24 and beyond.
Sunday Suppers: Adorable decor for a first birthday. Love the burlap banner
The Lovely Cupboard: Camping themed backyard birthday party. Who says you can’t camp in the fall?
Lil Sugar: Baking birthday party with personal chef hats
Postcards and Pretties: A sweet lemonade and cakes party for a sweet 16
Jesi Jaack Weddings Blog: Grumpy Old Men themed birthday party day plan
Martha Stewart: Using pictures to celebrate the birthday person’s many lovely wonderful years of life
You included the grumpy old men party for me, right? Cause seriously.
Also, those chef hats with the names are ultra-cute. Was that just an idea for a party, or was it from a company that host kids’ cooking parties? Cause that’d be a great business.
It is a 30th birthday after all…
It was an idea for a party but man…you’re putting all sorts of ideas into my head