A little something happened between the short time of releasing this site and now – I got engaged. Woohoo! Yup yup, super exciting! And aside from marrying the absolute love of my life, what’s super exciting about that day? DECORATING! With decorating comes the need for inspiration, and perhaps input from you lovely folk (whoever is out there!) on said inspiration.
It isn’t Wednesday, but here’s just a little something to get you thinking of the Weekly Wednesday Wedding decor posts to come.
…Weekly Wednesday Wedding…I love alliteration.

so you know how i feel about decorating 🙂 if you need help or someone to scour the thrift stores with or someone to keep their eyes open for certain items, let me know 🙂
Holly! I actually totally wanted to ask you but wasn’t sure if you wanted to. I would love to chat you up to go through ideas and for some inspiration ;D