It’s Friday. Oh lovely lovely Friday. You wake up knowing you have just another 9 or so hours left of the day before you’re free to wake up at an hour that is normally when you have your mid morning break. You look forward to those two glorious mornings when you can sleepily make a cup of coffee, nurse it, catch up on blogs and tweets and realize an hour or so later you haven’t even thought about breakfast. (does anyone else do that?)
Anyway the message is clear – break time is nearly here.
I can pretty well guarantee I’ll be doing all of these (I’ve already contacted an old friend to organize a coffee date). If you’re not sure how you want to spend this weekend, here are some ideas to leave you with.
Bake: It’s good clean fun, you get to try something new, and then you get to stuff your face with it!
Reorganize: I love moving furniture around every once in a while for a fresh new look. The weekend is a perfect time to do just that.
Shop: Does this really need further explanation?
Call: Pick up the phone and call, text, e-mail, tweet, fb message, communicate with an old friend. The weekend is a great time to catch up over coffee.
Create: Because the world needs a little more handmade love
So what will you do this weekend?
Whatever you’re up to, here’s me wishing you an absolutely lovely weekend my loves.
Punctuation Mark says
i have to unpack… my suitcase is a mess on a corner of my bedroom… hope you have a great weekend!
Tan says
Unpacking….I don’t envy you. May it go quickly so you can enjoy the rest of the weekend!