For all those bearded dad’s, I’ve got a super easy and cost efficient DIY for you! And it’s something a bearded man never thinks the needs until they get it – aka the perfect gift.
Honestly, I didn’t really know beard oil was a thing until the mister started to complain about really dry skin on his face underneath those rough whiskers. So off to the barber I went last Christmas for a little stocking stuffer and lo and behold, there was the solution. Right around that time we also really got into essential oils, so the mister went about creating his own beard oil concoctions, and he has been using it regularly since to keep his skin moisturized and his beard shiny and tame.
Making beard oil is insanely easy, it’s just about getting the ingredients. You’ll need:
- Almond oil (see how well loved ours is?)
- Jojoba oil (for extra moisturizer)
- An empty bottle to mix it all in
- Essential oils of your choice (most commonly used here is a mix of pine and Valor by Young Living)
Simply mix three parts almond oil and one part jojoba oil into your container. For every ounce of base oil, add 5-10 drops of essential oils. This is purely for scent/aromatherapy purposes, so if your dad (or whomever is receiving this gift) is scent sensitive, then you can leave this part out.
Shake it up and that’s it! You can make cute little labels to adhere to the bottle, or leave it plain like I did for an old apothecary feel.