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We’re just a month and a day away from squirrelly girl’s due date! I originally didn’t plan on having a shower. My thinking was “it’s baby #2, I already have everything I need, why have a shower?”. My bestie said too bad, it’s happening one way or another, and you know what? I’m glad! Because every baby deserves to be celebrated. But then I got thinking…what DO I need? I kept a lot of stuff from squirrelly boy so I thought I was all set. But once I sat down and thought about it, I realized there were definitely extra needed items. So I thought I’d put some together here for you in a little what to register for baby number 2. (See what I did there? Gotta love rhymes…)
Baby Gear
You have most of the baby gear essentials (baby bath, baby carriers, etc), but now you have a toddler to think of. How are you going to accommodate/get around with a toddler AND a baby? Here are a few items that’ll make life a bit easier.
Double Stroller | Especially if you have two under two, a double stroller will be a life saver. Of course you could always baby wear #1 and stroller #2, (and in fact #2 might demand to be worn) but sometimes you just need your own space, ya know?
Glider board | For a larger age gap (mine will be 2.5 years apart), a glider board is a great way to travel with baby in the stroller and your toddler riding along behind. I know squirrelly boy is going to LOVE this.
Pram stroller insert | Maybe you got one and kept it from #1, but I never got one and always wished I had. I feel much better about babies lying flat rather than in a car seat for so long, so a pram insert is a great way to go.
Additional baby monitor/camera | If you’re lucky enough to have your two kids in their own separate rooms (*sigh* one day!) you’ll need an additional baby monitor. If you already have a monitor from kiddo #1, check to see if the same company allows additional cameras, that way you won’t need to buy a whole new system.
Clothes & Accessories
This one might not be necessary depending on a few factors. However if you’re in my situation, where baby number 2 is a different sex and born in a completely different season, you’re going to need a pretty big wardrobe overhaul. And if you are having another boy/girl and at the same time of year, then take this chance to register for really sweet items you might not normally buy yourself.
Baby socks from Old Navy | I’d be impressed if you managed to not lose all of yours from baby #1.
Romper from Babble Bear Boutique | I just can’t get enough of these. TOO CUTE.
Onesies from Joe Fresh | Just in case you do need some of those baby essentials, Joe Fresh is always my go to for staples
Cute top from Zara | I’m not a ‘keep them in sleepers for the first 6 months’ kinda mom. They gotta have cute outfits.
Soft soled shoes from Mia’s Moccs | We will definitely reuse ours from squirrelly boy, but it’s nice to have another pair in a different size and colour.
Linen/Cotton Bonnets from Rain People | For sun protection, and because they’re just too darn cute.
Feeding Essentials
You may have kept the bottle sanitizer and pump, but if you’re planning to breastfeed, you may need depleted essentials. And if you’re planning to formula feed, you’ll need plenty of that too!
Bottles | I used these latch bottles last time and loved them. I didn’t keep any around though so it’s time for more.
Nipple Cream | Let’s face it ladies, if you’re breastfeeding you’re gonna need a healthy supply of this.
Breastmilk storage bags | I certainly depleted my stock so it’s time for more!
Nursing Pads | In case, like me, you didn’t plan ahead the first time around and got disposable nursing pads. I’m thinking reusable are the way to go.
Bath Supplies
Unless you had your children super close together, it’s most likely you don’t have any bath supplies next. These essentials are a great addition to your registry, as you’re definitely going to need them anyway.
Baby Lotion from Everyone | Newborn skin needs that extra TLC, so what you have for your toddler might not cut it. (If it does by all means share!).
Baby Wash from Everyone | Yep, Everyone brand again. I’m super picky about the lotions/washes I use for the kids. Checking the rating on is a regular thing for this mama.
Coconut Milk Bath from So Luxury | I’ve heard this works wonders on baby’s skin and, while I’ve made my own versions, have always wanted to try this one.
Washcloths from | Just like socks, I’m impressed if you still have yours. I’m even more impressed if they’re still in good condition. Mind you….we repurposed a bunch of ours for nappy wipes. Definitely not reusable for baby #2.
Thanks Tanya – that’s helpful! 🙂 It’s getting SO close.