Remember that small master bedroom makeover from last month? Well it’s about time I’m sharing a DIY from it with you! These hooks came about by accident, but I’m so glad they did. Today I’m sharing how I made these DIY modern wood and stone wall hooks – and guys, they’re super easy.
I bought a bunch of beautiful rhodonite pieces that I intended to turn into door pulls on our dresser. However, the mister pointed out that sharp stone edges at eye level of a freely running toddler wouldn’t be the best idea. So they became hooks instead, far from reach of a curious toddler’s inquiring eye. I wasn’t originally intending to put up hooks, but they’re perfect for robes, towels and cardigans.
I went searching at my rockhound shop down the road and found these beautiful, flat slices of stone called rhodonite. I love the pastel pink colour and irregular shapes, and since I originally needed 12, the price at $1-$4 each wasn’t bad either. The people in the shop were really great and even cut down a few larger pieces for me. It might be harder to find exactly what you need online, so if you have a local shop, I suggest checking it out. Just make sure that the rock slices you get are at least just over 1 inch in diameter in the centre so it properly covers the dowel and looks like it’s floating on the wall.
- 1 inch wooden dowel
- Sandpaper
- Rhodonite slices or any other flat polished stone slice with a diameter in the centre of just over 1 inch. (Agate slices work well too).
- #8 construction screws
- Saw
- Epoxy or Gorilla glue
- Drill and bits
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- Cut your dowel into 1.5 inch lengths and clean up the cut edges with sandpaper. Pre drill a hole all the way through using a 5/64ths drill bit.
- With a drill bit slightly wider than the head of your #8 screw, drill a shallow hole to allow the head of the screw to just nestle into. Dip a bit of glue into the hole, then lastly, drive a #8 construction screw through the centre. Let it dry.
- Place a generous (but not so much that it spills over) amount of glue onto both the flat surface of the wooden dowel and backside of the stone. Firmly press the two together. If you have clamps and they’re small enough to fit then great, use ’em. Otherwise, leave the two to sit for at least 24 hours as shown in the fourth picture.
- Drill a hole into your wall where you want your hook to be. Gently hand screw the hook all the way in.
You’re good to go!
Yep, this requires a little bit of woodworking (which I’ll be honest, the mister did) but aside from the glue drying time, these hooks are really quick to assemble. I kinda wanna put them all over the house. I do have a whole lot of rhodonite pieces left over!
These are the coolest! I don’t do much with power tools, but I think I could manage this DIY. 🙂
I usually stay away too even though I don’t mind them, but this one is super simple.
These are so cool! They look like something that would be at a super expensive boutique here in LA. Pinned!
Ohhh what a compliment!