Welcome to MY birth month! YAY! November has two birthstones – topaz and citrine. I have to be honest, since I was a kid I’ve actually been super jealous of people with gorgeous gemstones like ruby or sapphire, and hated mine. I always called it the ‘ear wax’ birthstone because of its colour. It wasn’t until I started this project last year and got myself a citrine that I fell in love with this gemstone. Yellow is my favourite colour, so it’s only fitting that it be my birthstone too.
A variety of quartz, citrine is known as the ‘stone of success’ and is thought to promote creativity – hence why mine sits in the window of my studio, catching in as much sunshine as possible!
To save, click on the download button and right click to save the image, then set it up as your desktop wallpaper.
Grab other desktop wallpapers here and do your Christmas shopping over at the shop for more birthstone cards, prints, and calendars!
Hooray to fellow November babies!!
Absolutely love this!! Any chance you would design a yellow topaz one?
Thank you Toni! I’m so glad you love it. I doubt I will any time soon I’m afraid as these take several hours to paint and another one or two to digitize :/