Going to Alt in January was an amazing experience for all the obvious reasons, but the one thing it really inspired me to do was to take charge. If I wanted something done, I had to be the one to start it up. And what did I want? A blogger meetup for likeminded DIY/lifestyle/fashion bloggers in my city.
With the amazing help of Reb from The Life Nostalgic, our host Jenny form The Makehouse and all our incredible sponsors, we did just that.
The evening was spent getting to know each other, chatting about the blogging world, sipping on cocktails, munching on macarons and crafting.
We were lucky enough to have the lovely ladies from Diggit sling us their very own cocktail – the Diggit Pour. Let me tell ya, they won my heart with this drink – grapefruit juice, gin, rose water cardamom simple syrup. Delicious!
And what makes a more perfect pairing with the Diggit Pour than sweet parisian treats from Bon Macaron! If you’ve ever tried to make a macaron you’ll know how incredibly difficult it is to get the flavour and texture just right. David and Yann, originally hailing from the land of macarons (France), get it perfect every single time. We munched on a variety of incredible flavours including Rose, Mimosa, Lavender Chocolate and hazelnut. What was the crowd’s favourite? Salted Caramel.
After sipping, munching and gabbing, Jenny led us into a garland making activity, a workshop she offers at The Makehouse . Fabric was a flying everywhere and a few sewing-machine savvy girls were stitching up a storm. Anytime chatting with gal’s and crafting is involved I’m a happy lady.
And at the end of the evening, everyone went home with lovely gifts from fantastic local Victoria businesses. Big thanks to Leka, The Regional Text of Assembly, Saltspring Soapworks, Gala Fabrics, She She Bags & Shoes, and Vintage Fair Victoria for contributing!
And of course a huge thanks to The Makehouse, Diggit, and Bon Macaron for being a part of our first Victoria Blogger Social, Create Curate!
And lastly a colossal thanks to my partner in planning Reb for helping make an idea become a reality!
Create Curate Two is already underway. I can’t wait to hang out with these girls again! If you’re a Victoria BC business and are interested in hosting or getting involved, certainly send on an e-mail and we’ll chat!
If you want to see more photos head over to the gallery. A crazy massive thank you and hug to my jet lagged, preggers sis who took time out of her vacation to photograph for us! xo’s.
Until the next Create Curate!
All photos taken by Jo de Frias
(thanks for helping out when preggers and jet lagged!
This looks like so much fun!!! Wish I could “beam myself” over to Cananda for a spell;)
Ohh how fun would that be!
Thank you for your action-taking! I’m so glad I met such an inspiring lady! xo
I had SO much fun, and it was great to be with fellow bloggers! Thanks again Tan for having me, can’t wait for the next one! 🙂
Congrats on putting together such a great event! Looks like you all had so much fun! Those macarons look amazing.
Looks like you put together a fabulous event. I was similarly inspired after Alt (it was great to meet you there!) and am planning my next blogger conference. So wish Canada were a bit smaller and we could all get together for a night of creating and conversation!
Oh I know right? I never get east of Alberta this place is just too darn big!
Excited to hear about your blogger conference!
This is awesome! Are you doing another one anytime soon? I’m from the UK, now living in Victoria and I’ve been looking for blogger meet ups here. I’m really hoping to meet passionate creative people in the city. Thanks :). Amy
We will be and I received your e-mail so I’ll certainly respond to you soon!
This is great! Would love to do something like this one day too!! Must meet some bloggers first 😉 good for you that you dreamed of doing this then just went for it with your cohost & local support!!!
You should make it happen girl!