Yes it’s true, tea comes from leaves found in your own garden, not just from a tea bag.
I no longer buy mint tea. We grow enough in our garden to have a constant supply for tea and cocktails. When I’m sick I reach down in my herb garden and pluck out thyme to brew in hot water with lemon to make an anti bacterial tea. There are so many ways you can make tea from the flowers and leaves found in your own garden, and it’s so easy.
My latest tea making adventure is with mulberry leaves, picked from my parents’ tree (and my favourite since I was a child). The mulberry leaf can aid in balancing blood sugar levels and carbohydrate absorption. Translation? It keeps your weight in check. Sounds good to me.
So how do you make your own tea?
Those really are the only things you need to do, after picking and washing them of course.
A few things to remember:
- Only pick clean, uneaten or diseased leaves
- Thoroughly wash your leaves
- When drying your leaves, spread them out so none are overlapping. Leave them out in a sunny dry place for 4-6 days.
- When dry, crush leaves with your fingers into medium to small pieces and store in a paper bag or container. Avoid storing them in plastic zip loc bags.
We all love mint, I’ve told you about the antibacterial properties of thyme and the weight loss aid of mulberry leaves. Here’s a list of other plants good for tea making:
Please consult your physician for any medical concerns
From the garden or not, what’s your most soothing cup of tea?
My favourite is Chai Tea. I’ve never tried blending my own though. I also like mint, so I may have to try growing my own next summer. Thanks!
My favorite tea is Genmaicha – a blend of green tea and toasted brown rice. In our garden I’ve been growing mint, chamomile, epazote, and actual Russian tea – which I’m still waiting to mature so I can pick some leaves!
Ohh you’ll have to let me know how that works out!
Mmm, I love the tea AVEDA makes but it’s so pricey! Really anything that’s warm is good usually, although in the mornings I do like coffee instead of tea. 🙂
I’ve heard that I should grow mint, that it’s so easy. Mohitos became a fav of mine this summer!
I had no idea Aveda made tea!
Yup I hear ya. Unless I’m sick it’s coffee in the AM for me.
And yes you really should grow your own! Mint is so easy to grow it’s best to grow it in a container so it doesn’t take over your garden!
I love the Aveda tea too! I get my haircut at an Aveda salon and they always serve it there. I’ve never had mulberry tea before, but it sounds delicious! I’m drinking a mug of ginger peach tea right now. Cheers! 🙂
parsley in tea? I have never thought of or heard of that 🙂
I wouldn’t have it with just parsley (not the tastiest) but mixed in with other herbs it’s really great for an upset tummy!