Is there anyone in your life that every time you step into their home, it inspires you to be more creative, artistic, and involved with the decor of your own home?
For me, that person is my friend Holly, whom you may be familiar with from this photoshoot.
Yes Holly is part of the dynamic sister due along with Crystal, whom together are unstoppable with their imaginative ideas, crafty hands and detail oriented eye. And all this shows in every room of Holly’s home.
Welcome to Squirrelly Minds’ first “In her home” tour.
Welcome to Holly’s home:
You have so many unique items in your home such as the babushka dolls and vintage badminton rackets. Where do you find them?
I find pretty much everything at Thrift Stores or Garage Sales, but if it’s a collection I’ve started people usually look out for things for me. My babushka dolls particularly are mostly gifts. I bought my badminton racket collection all at once and then declared it done. Most collections aren’t done that fast.
I’m an awful thrift shopper and give up if I don’t immediately see something I like. How much time to you spend in Thrift stores to score such great items?
I probably spend more time thrifting then most people. Most Saturdays as I’m running errands I’ll pop into a few stores on my way. I’m always on the lookout for certain things like Pyrex bowls for example. Some times I’ll go out specifically to look for an item, but usually those are the days I find nothing.
You’re always creating something and have that ‘projects list’ hanging in your bedroom. Where do you find the inspiration to create all these items?
I find inspiration all over. I have a bunch of diy and home decor blogs I visit daily. And now with Pinterest too, it’s kinda inspiration overload at times. I look through and decide if that’s something I want to make and then add it to my list. My sister is also a huge inspiration for me and we do big projects like photoshoots together. I find I have to keep creating because it makes me super happy.
And when do you find the time to work through your project list?
I create while I’m doing other things like watching my fav tv shows or I have something baking in the oven. I like projects where you can do a little at a time instead of having to sit down for eight hours or something to finish it.
Whenever I come over something in your home is different. How often do you change things up?
I don’t really change things that often. I’m not a huge fan of change (says the person who’s moving – ahh!!) but sometimes things need to be changed around to fit in my house. I like things when they’re changed, but actually changing things can be difficult. Still – change is good they say. Lol
Thank you so much for bringing your home to Squirrelly Minds!
Good luck with the move, and I’m sure your next home will be just as spectacular!
ahh. you made my home look amazing. thanks :):)
AWESOME!! Just wait till she moves and sets up another amazing home!! Sweet Tanya! But who is this amazing sister duo you speak of? Have to look into that…..hmmm
So many fun colorful treasures in her house! I respect a good thrifter… that is a real talent!