The idea of velvet may hearken you back to rib crushing, butt enlarging elizabethan era dresses. Or perhaps to head band toting, circular sunglasses wearing 1970’s hippies. Whatever image the word velvet conjures up in your mind, it may be safe to say it is a fabric that has been forgotten about, left for costuming in movies and plays.
Not anymore.
I’ve noticed a slow resurgence of this soft luxurious fabric and have a feeling you’ll be seeing a lot more of it twenty twelve. While this may be a horrifying thought for some of you, just take a minute to consider the possibilities.
With just a little bit of velvet, you add texture to your outfit. You make it bold and feminine. Luxurious and regal. You add that one extra element that takes your outfit from every day to stand out glam.
I’m not by any means suggesting you deck out head to toe in the stuff. In fact, I suggest just one item to make it stand out a little bit more. Whether it’s a simple piece of velvet ribbon tied around your waist or a velvet peep toe, let this smooth fabric transform your outfit, and maybe even you.

How would you wear a bit of velvet?
Sundance Washed Velvet Shirt / EmersonMade The Velvet jacket / Haute Design velvet skirt (original source?) / Velvet Ribbon (original ribbon no longer available) / Rosa by Juicy Couture velvet pumps