Apple Cinnamon Chips from Simply Sissom | Pancakes with Cinnamon Apple Caramel Syrup from Orgasmic Chef | Vegan Applesauce Cake from The Misfit Baker | Apple Cheddar Grilled Cheese from I Am A Food Blog | Salted Butter Apple Galette from Raisin and Fig
It’s apple season! Bring out that rotating apple peeler/corer (if you don’t have one GET ONE) and start baking up a storm friends.
We always have a plethora of apples this time of year thanks to the 5 trees on my parents’ property. In fact, I still have sliced apples in the freezer from last year. Oops. Applesauce is always a must make for us. The mister likes to use it in place of yogurt for breakfast. Me? I like apples for the sinful baked goods. Apple galettes and pies here I come.