As you may recall, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes back in November. I knew it would result in meeting our squirrelly girl early, but I hadn’t quite anticipated by how much.
Last Friday I had a non stress test (all good), ultrasound (baby is HUGE) and an OB consult. Since squirrelly girl is large and because I’m starting to resist insulin (a sign of the placenta failing), I needed to go on the medical induction list this week. The OB suggested last weekend but I was not ready! Plus baby girl is moving just fine.
And then Sunday I go in for another non stress test. While squirrelly girl is moving fine, my morning numbers are drastically dropping which is a sign of the placenta failing. Baby girl needs to come out now. Induction happened and then we waited, and waited, and waited.
This whole experience has been completely surreal. It took a long time for me to accept that labour needed to happen asap. I was really hoping to go into labour naturally this time and feel a normal labour process. But I knew I had a slim chance as GD births never go overdue. I’m writing this from the hospital bed on Monday, waiting for those contractions I had last night to come back (where did you go!?). It’s very likely (I HOPE ANYWAY) that by the time I post this on Wednesday, we’ll have our beautiful baby girl in our arms.
I’m afraid I’ve been busy racing to finish school work ahead of time (I’m just about to work on my final assignment from the hospital bed), so I haven’t been a very good blogger. I don’t have posts ready for you and I don’t know when I’ll be back on here. But in due time, I’ll pop in. Until then, you can find me on instagram. That’s where I’ll post a sneak peek of our new girl and life with a squirrelly toddler and a squirrelly newborn!
Stay fun and happy friends!
(and happy valentine’s day!)
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