So I know what you may be thinking. What!? It’s Friday! What’s going on Tan, you don’t post on Fridays. You only post on Wednesdays!
While I can’t guarantee I’ll be here every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I do want to hang out with you guys more often. So get ready for more Squirrelly time with this Squirrelly babe!
….did I just call myself a babe? I take that back.
So the plan is Friday will be my random rambling, pretty outtakes, and various links day. Because who doesn’t love a little bit of randomness!
If by the way you watch my snaps, you learn pretty quickly that I’m very random, very sporadic, kind of awkward, and a total goofball. What can I say? I’m a complicated gal.
But yeah guys, it took snapchat of all things to allow me to be my more goofy self, and helped me realize how that part of me doesn’t come across here on Squirrelly Minds. What!? I’ve been running this joint for nearly five years now (how the eff did that even happen?) and I feel like you guys kiiiind of know the real me, but not all of me. Or at least, you know like 60% of me, when I want to share the other 33% with you. Yes I realize that only adds up to 93%. That remaining 7% of my personality is better left unseen. Trust me. The mister would agree.
So squirrelly babes (I can’t call myself a babe, but I sure as hell can call YOU one cause you ARE), get ready for the more random, sporadic, weird little Tan to come out. She’s been waiting a long time for this. (5 years to be exact).
Also here are some things I’m totally digging right now. Enjoy and HAPPY GLORIOUS WEEKEND!
- It was national s’mores day on Wednesday, and I want to shove all of these in my face SO BAD
- These 7 seconds have changed my life. Avocado will never be called just avocado anymore.
- It’s waffle time!
- This. I have ALWAYS wanted to do this.
Hi, I have Bertolottis also. Wondering how you are now? Have you had any surgeries? I am have a very difficult time, to say the least. Thanks! Karen
Hi Karen! No surgeries. I’ve been able to maintain it by regular chiropractor visits and yoga. Although I NEED to keep up with it all. I haven’t gone to chiro in two months or done yoga in weeks and I’m now in bed paying the price…