It’s been a little over a month since my big announcement at 17 weeks. As you can tell from the above picture, I’m getting pretty far along in my pregnancy. Today I’m 22 weeks 5 days, this Wednesday will see me at 23 weeks. Over the halfway mark and just over 17 weeks until we get to meet our little squirrelly baby! (provided he/she is on time).
So how have things been going? I don’t like to gloat as I’m in the minority and don’t want to anger other mommas, but as far as actual pregnancy symptoms go I’ve had a very easy 22+ weeks.
I’ve had some ligament pain but more back pain. Honestly though, that’s been my own fault. You just might recall that I’ve had back pain for several years, and I knew pregnancy wouldn’t make it go away. Weekly prenatal yoga and monthly chiropractic helps, but I make the mistake of working too hard in the garden or at dance, causing my back to seize up and my body to feel 90 years old. Nothing to do with baby, just my own stupidity. You’d think I’d learn by now eh?
The strongest craving I’ve had was green grapes. I couldn’t get enough of those firm and crispy nuggets. Right now I don’t have any specific cravings, but my appetite is definitely increasing!
Mood wise I’ve never felt better since baby. I’m not reduced to tears at commercials or get angry over tiny annoyances. I did however have one episode a few nights ago. I was so excited to have granola with milk (haven’t had it in ages) but my first bite told me the new jug of goat’s milk had gone sour. I was so upset for the rest of the night and in near tears. I wanted that granola SO BAD! The mister offered to get me more milk, but I was too upset to take him up on his kindness and sulked the rest of the night instead. Other than that though I swear I’m totally sane.
Baby Growth
As of last Friday, baby (nicknamed figlette) currently weighs 1lb 4oz. The technician said that was a couple days over, but assured me that a few days off projection is nothing as baby’s grow at different rates. Thank goodness cause I started worrying I’d be pushing out a 10 pounder.
Baby Movement
I started feeling figlette’s flutters quite early, but the kicks became very prominent at 19 weeks, and although faint, the mister is just now feeling baby!
And now for the question/answer you’ve all been waiting for…
It’s a….
…mystery! We decided early on we would not find out the sex. We wanted that surprise at the end of (hopefully not several) hours of hard work!
That’s all for now! Let’s hope this baby continues to be easy on me 😉
You look wonderful! Yay, babies!
Aww thank you Kelley!
SO happy that pregnancy agrees with you, Tanya! You will be a wonderful momma. 🙂
I am too! I can’t imagine going through 9 months of feeling rotten
So glad to hear things are going well. You look great! Take care, Tan!
Thanks hun! Hope you and the girls are doing well <3