I’m a huge smoothie fan. In fact I’m enjoying one right now as I type this – kale, strawberries, pineapple, peanut butter, hemp seeds, and ginger. I tend to stick to the same ‘ol though and am wanting to branch out a bit more. In case you’re in a smoothie rut like I am, I thought I’d share with you my top 10 favourites from a bit of soul (aka pinterest) searching. I look forward to trying each of these soon!
Blogging Over Thyme
This beautiful smoothie includes dates, coconut water and hemp seeds. What an incredible way to start the day!
The Pioneer Woman
I’m not waiting until the fall to try this smoothie. Yum! For a healthier alternative, I’d swap vanilla yogurt for plain yogurt, and crushed graham crackers for crushed pecans.
What’s Gaby Cooking
Greens are a must have in my smoothies. This one is packed full of spinach and almond butter.
Eat Yourself Skinny
Put avocado in anything I’m happy. An avocado and mango smoothie? You’ve won my heart.
Something Swanky
I’ve never put chocolate anything in my smoothies as that always felt like too much of a treat, but I may have to start with this Chocolate Almond Oatmeal smoothie.
Love and Lemons
If you’re looking to cut down your coffee intake but still want a bit of caffeine, consider this Japanese green tea (matcha) smoothie instead.
This Rawsome Vegan Life
Just using 4 ingredients makes this smoothie super easy and delicious.
Kath Eats
I love topping my smoothies with peanut butter for a bit of extra protein and yummy flavour. This smoothie is turned into a meal – it can’t get any better than that!
Oh My Veggies
Ginger has such incredible health benefits, and it’s spicy flavour gives any dish a kick. This Kale-Ginger detox smoothie is great for a boost of nutrients.
The Green Forks
A carrot cake smoothie that’s 1000x healthier than the real thing? Sold.
These all look so good! I just got a blender for Christmas (how did I go this long without one??) and so I am late to the smoothie train. But I am loving it! I’ve been drinking what I call a lately because I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather. It’s green and has a bunch of good stuff in it.
xx Kathryn
Ohh smoothies are perfect for when you’re feeling icky. Get better soon!