A very merry christmas and happy holidays to you all! Whether you celebrate Christmas, hanukah, some other fabulous holiday or none at all, I hope you enjoy the rest of 2015 in complete happy bliss and surrounded by loved ones.
This has been a truly incredible year. With fun parties, the big donation, and opening the shop, I have a lot to reflect on and be thankful for this year. And so much of that is because of you! Thank you for being there, even if my postings weren’t very regular (posting 5 days while opening a shop and teaching is tough!).
I’m going to take the next week and a bit off to enjoy time with friends and family. Hey, maybe I’ll even get to paint a new gem!
You’ll be able to find me on instagram in the meantime. , but otherwise I look forward to chatting with you here again in early January.
Until then, my deepest gratitude and best wishes for you to have a beautiful rest of 2014!
Merry Christmas Tan! Hope you have a relaxing holiday and a beautiful start to 2015. xo