I really love having long distance blog dates. It’s such a great chance to catch up with blog friends and feel like they’re right there with you. This blog date with Melissa of Lulu the Baker was particularly special. We met last year at Alt and instantly clicked. Guys – this girl is awesome. So awesome that we just had to hang out again when the mister and I headed down to Portland last spring.
We went out for the best meal of the day at the place to get pancakes in her town. It was your seemingly average mom and pop style breakfast joint, but oh my gosh – what incredible pancakes! So it was only natural, in honour of our last hang out, that we have breakfast on our long distance blog date. She made delicious (and professional looking!) waffles at home while the mister and I went to our greasy neighbourhood Spoons diner.
When we bought the house we unintentionally (but thankfully) moved within walking distance of our favourite diner. My husband and his friends frequented the joint often. O-F-T-E-N. I’m not kidding guys, his friend has an omelette on the menu named after him.
Crazy right?
My favourite item on the menu is The Prusa. You tell the kitchen if you want meat or vegetarian, sweet or savory, breakfast or lunch, and they will make whatever they feel like whipping up. Once I decided to be daring and ordered meat, sweet, breakfast. I ended up getting pancakes with pieces of sausage and bacon in the batter. It was deeeelish. The bonus to The Prusa? You can flip a coin to pay for it – you win the meal is free, you lose and you pay double. I’ve only flipped twice and have lost both times. I’m gaining the courage to try for a third… (sorry we didn’t flip this time).
The great thing about this diner is that if you go out for breakfast, you’re also getting lunch and maybe even dinner. The portions are just that massive. Trust me I don’t mind. I could eat breakfast for every meal of the day.
I had such a great time hanging out with Melissa on our long distance blog date. She’s such an inspiring blogger with her mouth watering recipes and fun DIY’s. This girl works so hard to constantly give original content – she just amazes me.
Care to join me?
If this is your first #longdistanceblogdate post, go check out the last one from September with Amy of This Heart of Mine, and the first one that kicked it off with Joy of Frock Files.
This is so fun! What a great idea. =]