With all the work (and money) we’ve been putting into the basement (reveal to come soon!) it’ll probably be a while before we can redesign and buy pretty things for our living space upstairs. Doesn’t mean I can’t peruse the web right?
You may be familiar with the Bungalow Inspiration Files – once a week highlighting a room in the house and how I want to design it with inspiring and gorgeous interior photography. Well, with designing comes purchasing right? Welcome to the first Bungalow Purchasing Files, featuring items to buy for each room. First up, the living room.
As mentioned above, we can’t buy all these pretty things yet but as soon as we put some money back into our bank account, we will be filling our home with similar beautiful items. The ones above are what I’m currently lusting after. Thankfully we already have one of the big ticket items that we brought back from our Moroccan honeymoon – our mustard yellow and gold pouf. It’s one of the key items for cementing the colour theme. We’re thinking either a grey, mustard and teal combo or grey, mustard and dusty pink. Can you tell which way I’m leaning?
Money is often the issue but for me it’s time! Lol. I just don’t have time. With living so far from work/stores and wanting to spend time with my son. The dilemmas! I like the idea of make purchasing files. That way you get to actually clarify your plan and when you have the time/money to buy, it’s a lot faster. Really digging the grey, mustard and pink combo.
Yes time definitely slips away doesn’t it!? Yup much faster. In fact, I’ve already purchased the lamp in the picture! (sorry Visa…)
Hi, Tan! It was great connecting with you yesterday at the blogger hangout. I love the soft color palette here (plus, the fun pop of yellow!).
So great chatting with you! Yellow always adds an element of fun right?
oh, i love that chair! and the light fixture is great too!
I just picked up the lamp and LOVE IT