When catching up on my blog reading, I love going back to my old favourites like Frock Files, The Lovely Cupboard or Design Love Fest. But I’m always on the hunt for something fresh and new. Here are 5 blogs that I’m totally into this year, and I think you might be too.
The clean lines and crisp design of this blog is what immediately drew me in. That and her fantastic graphic design.
What are your 2014 blog must reads?
Hello Tan, I’m so impressed with the design of your blog. What platform is this on? I’m working on taking my blog out of the wordpress template this year and you definitely are an inspiration. Thanks also for this post pointing the way to other interesting reads. Happy New Year.
It’s the zeeBusiness theme but I completely changed the coding to customize it to my needs, so I’m afraid it’s nothing like the original.
Awww you’re so sweet Ileana thank you so much! And enjoy those other fantastic reads 😀
Hi Ileana, I see you’re thinking about moving away from wordpress. I’m curious why, since I’m on blogger right now and was thinking of switching to WordPress! Should I do Squarespace instead?
Hi Melinda, I like WordPress, it is very intuitive and easy to use. I’m just going to redesign my site within the wordpress platform instead of using the pre-packaged template that my blog is on. I like that it is easy for people to leave comments in wordpress without having to solve puzzles first. I love Tan’s blog design. Good luck on the “move”.
Great choices! I recently discovered My Scandinavian Home as well and fell in love.
So fantastic right?
Tan, you’re so sweet! You totally made my day! Thanks for the love! Cocorinna is one of my faves too, and I can’t wait to check out the rest!
I love your style girl!
Oh, Tan! You totally rocked my world just now. And also, these new blogs are just beautiful. The Veda House, in particular, caught my eye. It’s so chic and pristine. I want to LIVE in that blog (but I fear I’d be too messy and leave cup rings on the shiny surfaces of the furniture)! xoxo
lol totally! I really love blog layouts that aren’t the standard format. I often think about changing things up drastically around here, but I think I like the boring old blog layout for Squirrelly Minds.
Love all these blogs, they definitely are on my must-reads for 2014 as well!
Isn’t it fun adding great blogs to your reading list?
Such beautiful blogs! Thanks for the recommendations!
Anytime darling!
Great choices!
I could have added several more. There’s so many great blogs out there!
Nice selection! I love Cocorrina’s blog, and I’m also always looking for new ones to follow. I’m surprised you go for the simple minimalist designs, your blog is so colorful! But then again, so am I, and I’m also attracted to those designs – I think that’s just because I secretly WISH I was a minimalist!