I have distant memories as a kid sitting in front of our box of a computer screen (fan whirring loudly alongside), painting in horrendous stock colours using Microsoft Paint.
My creations were nothing like Hal Lasko’s.
This 98 year old man creates beautiful pieces of art, one pixel at a time. This retired typographer nicknamed Grandpa has a strong devotion to his art process. He spends hours each day sitting at his computer painting pixels until his work is complete, then sees it through to completion through the printing process. Why? Because it’s fun.
It’s no longer work, it’s fun. When I worked I always had to do something to please the client.
Not anymore.
The most beautiful thing about his story confirms that, just because you retire doesn’t mean you stop living life. It’s when you start. You have the freedom to do what you want, when you want, for how long you want, and if you can channel those wants into a creative outlet there’s nothing that can stop you. That is how I want to live my life, before and after retirement.
Grandpa, you’re a complete inspiration.
Check out this video for more insight into Hal Lasko and his work.
Isn’t he just the cutest?
I saw this video recently and I agree, his work is amazing and he has so much personality!
Doesn’t he!?
The thing about him is he doesn’t conform to style either. Such an inspiration! I hadn’t seen the video Tan so thanks for sharing.
So true. He’s like “You don’t wanna see the pixels? Screw that I’m making them visible and in yo face!”