Alexandra of Alexandra Hedin – @ahedin / Alix of A Ruffled Life – @aruffledlife / Emily of A Beautiful Hello – @beautifulhelloblog / Jenny of Hank and Hunt – @hankandhunt / Lexy of of The Proper Pinwheel – @properpinwheel / Mari of Small for Big – @smallforbig / Melanie of Inward Facing Girl – @inwardfacinggirl / Melissa of Lulu the Baker – @luluthebaker / Sarah of Sarah Hearts – @sarahkhandjian / Tan of Squirrelly Minds – @squirrellyminds / Tiffany of Rue Rococo – @ruerococo / Whitney of The Curtis Casa – @thecurtiscasa
Being a blogger can be a little lonely. I mean, I’m sitting here in this empty house, blaring music (resisting the urge to dance wildly) and involuntarily resting my vocals due to a lack of people to talk to. My thumbs get a hell of a work out texting though.
So when Melissa of Lulu the Baker e-mailed the above group to ask if we wanted to support and promote each other through our instagram community, I jumped aboard. These women are doing amazing things on their blogs and instagram feeds. They are a daily inspiration and urge me to create more, do more and blog better.
You’ll see us around instagram giving each other some love, because that’s what blogging is about, promoting what and who you adore. And these 11 ladies? I adore every single one of them.
Check out the hashtag #bloggerspotlight on instagram to feel the love!
And speaking about love, I’m being featured on The Gold Zebra today! I met Teresa at Alt in January and due to mutual friends, growing up in the same city and being awesome, we instantly clicked. Check it out!
Such a lovely idea! You should check out my friend @paperboatpress – lovely studio pics and inspiration.
Oh my goodness this feed is gorgeous! Thank you for the recommendation!
yay!! so glad to be part of this encouraging insta-spotlight 🙂
Such a nice idea! I’ve added many of those gals to my list of Instagram loves so thanks for sharing!