I was doing my usual photocopying one day when the machine beeped at me to empty the hole punch tray. I followed instructions on how to do so, opened up the tray and behold, what did I find but beautiful, perfectly shaped confetti.
The only problem is that it was all sorts of ugly.
Rather than tossing these hole punched bits in the recycling I decided to make it pretty with a healthy dollop of metallic spray paint. Tada! Pretty confetti.It took much longer than I anticipated to get all the confetti bits covered in spray paint. One thing is key with this DIY – only do small handfuls at a time.
The basic steps:
1 Put a small handful of confetti in a bag
2 Spray paint like crazy
3 Close bag and shake like crazy
4 Repeat
5 Occasionally rub the bag between your hands to get the paint inside mixed around all the confetti
6 Repeat until mostly covered (you won’t get it all)
7 Spread on a tray with parchment paper and allow to dry
8 Blow confetti at a rolling camera in slow motion
For a far more fun version of the DIY, check out this video. And I warn you, the song is a catchy one.
DIY Office Confetti from Squirrelly Minds on Vimeo.
especially when they’re just going to be thrown out!
If it’s not office confetti, do you have any crafting plans for the weekend? I’ll be in Vancouver for Blogshop. Beyond excited!
Tan, I love your videos! This is such a cute idea on its own, and the video and music are just delightful. Have a great weekend!
You’re the cutest! I love this video and your green-minded celebration decorations. And the tips. Isn’t that always the way when you do a DIY? In the middle, I’m always like, “Ohhhhh I needed to…”
Your videos are so well edited and you pick just the right music to set the mood. It was fun to watch . Well done!
awww adorable! great idea Tan! ^__^
So cool!! Way to use something that would otherwise be garbage. I love finding ways of doing that too. The metallic paint it gorgeous.