I was thrilled when I found our home, a suite rental out of three in a house. First off, the house is 112 years old, as are the floors shown in the pictures (and the splinters prove it). Secondly, due to its age it has some major character. The high ceilings and beams were enough to make me fall over in giddiness. But it was the bay windows that completely won me over. Yes, we have more than one, but it is the window in the main living area that is most important, and the most prettily decorated (the other in the bedroom simply houses a nook for our bed).
Unfortunately for the first year of inhabiting this home the main bay window was put to very poor use. My handmade chaise lounge was awkwardly tucked in with 5 guitars propped up behind, making it feel more like a storage area than usable space. When the calendar flipped over to 2012 I couldn’t handle it anymore.

This space is so relaxing and inspiring to me now. It makes me want to read a book, play guitar and create. And it’s all the little elements of it that cohesively make this happen.
Lucy loves to jump up onto the wooden chest (made by my dad) and then up on the window sill. I love watching her just sit there and stare into the big outside. It reminds me to breathe, relax and take it all in.
This very well may be my favourite part of the entire area. It’s where some of my craft books (and all my wedding books) are kept for quick reference. I’ve placed my sewing machine (Christmas gift) on top of the chest as a constant reminder to learn how to use it and create anything to get started. And then there’s Ryan’s vintage cameras and flask, all brown leather, all gorgeous and hearkening back to older, simpler times.
My baskets of yarn, patiently awaiting their use in the giant afghan I am crocheting for my parents’ 40th wedding anniversary (which was last year…I’m a bit behind).
Thanks to my fiance’s band days, we have 5 guitars in the house (only one of which is mine), but this one is the most sentimental. It was his first guitar, passed on to him by his mother when he was 13, and the music that comes out of it entices me to play and sing along, forgetting about computers and television and focusing only on the oldest form of entertainment – music.
Do you have a bay window? How have you decorated yours?
I love how you’ve adorned your photos with words, and your space looks very inviting. Creative people, the best kind! We have two guitars in our house and neither of us know how to play. Must rectify that someday!
Thank you! Putting it together was definitely a lot of fun. I’m sure I’ll change it up quite often!