Pssst. I am fully aware that today is supposed to be #PinMakeEat10. Truth is, in the hecticness of November, I’ve only made one. And I know with the hecticness of the holidays I probably won’t get around to very many. So instead I will post #PinMakeEat next Monday, break for the holidays, then resume again in January!
Pine cones are the perfect place card holder, which is why I’m not the first to think it up. Just do a simple search on Pinterest, they’re everywhere. The little notches are perfect for nestling in a piece of paper with your guests name neatly written on, making it a festive and easy DIY. I, of course, couldn’t use a regular pine cone (though they look lovely on their own). Nope, I had to spray that stuff gold. Oh yes.
- Pine cones
- Gold spray paint
- Card stock
- Calligraphy pen and ink
1 Spray paint your pine cones outside. Give it a couple layers to get in all the crevices.
2 Cut out pieces of cardstock paper (approx 1.5×2 inches), one for each guest, and write their names on each one. You can use gold calligraphy ink or, if it’s not your thing, just the neatest hang writing with a regular pen.
3 Nestle each name card in the pine cones and place on the place settings.
The great thing about these is that, aside from spray painting, you aren’t altering the pine cone in any way, so you can reuse them as place card holders for Christmas/New years or stick them in a bowl as decorations. I have another idea I’ll be sharing closer to christmas, so moral of the story is don’t throw these guys out after Thanksgiving.
Happy spray painting!
Find the Give Thanks napkin printables here
I really appreciate all the info you put out to help us ! Thank you all much ! Happy Thanksgiving